Shatter the glass ceiling.
by Mehak Dugal

The second post in our series of blog posts, written by activist Melissa Brennan, to mark International Women's Day is now up on our website.  We'll have more content published on the website throughout the week. 

A new interdepartmental group is to examine the feasibility of delivering more services, such as road-tax renewals, through the post-office network. The Government says it wants to tap into the increased online engagement triggered by the pandemic to see if it could deliver more services digitally.

Meanwhile, Siptu has told the Commission on Pensions that there is no “demographic need” to increase the pension age beyond the current level of 66 in the medium term, as it says Ireland would have a smaller proportion of older people relative to the EU average.


Construction trade unions and employers have also signed a safety at work protocol for sites. More on that here.  


Elsewhere, Sinn Féin has called on the government to back a proposal by the party that would allow adopted people to access their birth certificates, saying this needs to be done as a matter of urgency. The Civil Registration Amendment Bill 2021 is set to be debated in the Dáil later today.

And Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns has this piece on the gender pay gap in Ireland in the Journal. 

Finally, today’s zen is the Arctic Monkeys’ ‘Baby I’m Yours’ , for no particular reason other than the fact this tune’s been hauntingly stuck in my head these last few days. Enjoy!


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