by Hazel Gavigan

Health minister Simon Harris is due to meet with officials today to discuss the fastest way of regulating the abortion pill and establishing clinical guidelines for GPs with abortion set to be legal here before October's budget. Meanwhile, calls have grown, including from within the British Conservative Party, for Northern Ireland to reform its abortion law.


The United States and North Korea on Sunday kicked off an urgent, behind-the-scenes effort to resurrect a summit meeting between their two leaders.


Concern about plans to reform the state pension has been raised by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. The Government is proposing that 40 years of social insurance contributions will be required to qualify for a full pension.


Two-thirds of companies worry that proposed legislation requiring them to reveal their gender pay gap could be a risk to their reputations.


Italy's Prime Minister-designate Giuseppe Conte has given up on efforts to form a government after the Italian president apparently rejected his pick for the economy ministry, increasing the likelihood of another election this year.


Spain's far-left party Podemos says its leader has won a confidence vote called after an outcry over his purchase of a luxury home.


Last Friday the Trade Union Congress published a report finding the disability pay gap in the UK has reached its highest level since 2013. The average pay of workers with a disability totals £9.90 compared to the average worker's wage of £11.40 an hour.


Today we wish Kylie Minogue a happy 50th birthday. Yesterday she took the time to reflect on her highs and lows over the last number of years, including her battle with cancer. You can check out that Twitter thread here. Your Zen this merry Monday is one of her greatest hits, I just can't get you outta my head.


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