by Mark Corcoran

Escalation of industrial action has been deferred for local government workers. The email ban (22 Sept) & phone ban (26 Sept) are paused. Fórsa will be returning to the Workplace Relations Commission on Monday. However, the ban on engagement with political reps is continuing. RTE covered the update HERE


RTÉ has refused to hand over the employment contract of its former Director General Dee Forbes to the Dáil's Public Accounts Committee. The station has also declined a request to supply information on the financial exit packages given to its former commercial director Geraldine O'Leary, and former chief financial officer Breda O'Keeffe.


The erection of a mock gallows at a far-right protest outside Leinster House on Wednesday is being investigated as a potential criminal offence. The gallows was covered with images of political figures including Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald.


Colleagues of the consultant whose work at Temple Street children’s hospital has been linked to serious surgical incidents were aware they were using spring implants, it has emerged.


There has been “some progress” in setting the terms for a global “loss and damage” fund to support climate vulnerable countries following meetings on the fringes of this week’s UN general assembly and climate action summit in New York, Minister for Climate Eamon Ryan has said.


All people over 60, all those with weakened immune systems or underlying health conditions, and pregnant women should get a new vaccination against Covid-19 this autumn, European Union health authorities have recommended.


Our latest round of news bulletins were published this morning. Local Government will be published on Monday. You can have a look at the others below:


Have a good Weekend!

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