Time to #EndTheFreeze: Let’s stand together on Wednesday & Thursday

Dear members,


This week, on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th December we will protest our opposition to the ongoing recruitment freeze in the HSE.


As you know we have been engaged in industrial action related to this dispute for almost two months now. Despite extensive engagement by Fórsa, the HSE remains unwilling to acknowledge that vacant posts must be filled. At this time of year, the health services need to be fully staffed, not understaffed.


The lunchtime protests will take place over two days, outside hospitals all around Ireland, between 12.45pm and 1.45pm. Your local branch will be able to give you the details of the site you should attend. They will have high visibility materials including posters, placards and flags.


You will also be able to display your support on social media, using the hashtag #EndTheFreeze. We’ll share an online solidarity action on Wednesday too so keep an eye on Fórsa’s social accounts.


These protests are the next step in this industrial action and will allow us to voice our opposition to the continuing recruitment freeze without impacting service delivery or service users.


The decision of the HSE to implement a recruitment freeze is unjust, our members are not responsible for the HSE overspending. The HSE must commence recruitment of vital positions now – before services are irreversibly impacted.


The instruction regarding the industrial action remains in place. I want to thank you for your commitment and solidarity to date. We know this action is having an impact and that is thanks to your efforts.


Yours in solidarity, 

Ashley Connolly.

Head of Health & Welfare.


There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

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