Fórsa special bulletin - Education

Dear colleague, 


Over the last few years, Fórsa has campaigned for improved terms and conditions for school secretaries across the country. After winning a new pay deal for school secretaries, we are now trying to secure the same deal for caretakers. As you know membership density is crucial to securing the best possible deal for workers in any agreement. With that in mind, at the March meeting of the School Secretaries branch we presented a plan to help build the membership and density of our school caretakers.


The School Secretaries branch agreed to support the division in this campaign. As such we have sent a recruitment pack to school secretaries where we have not identified a caretaker in membership. This pack includes information for the caretaker in your school and describes the key benefits of joining the union, as well as outlining the new pay deal we are seeking on their behalf. Everything your caretaker needs to join the union is included in this pack.


We would be grateful if you could pass this pack on to any caretakers in your school and encourage them to join Fórsa.


If you or the caretaker have any questions about the process, please contact us at caretaker@forsa.ie.


Fórsa, the union for school secretaries, SNAs and caretakers, is campaigning to secure a major new pay agreement for caretakers, like one secured for school secretaries. Caretakers, as well as school secretaries deserve the proper support. If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to get in touch at caretakers@forsa.ie. Thanks again for your support and we look forward to working with you.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in this campaign. It would not be possible to do this without you.


Thanks again for your time.


In solidarity, 


Kevin Donoghue

Director of Campaigns

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