eir today?
by Bernard Harbor

Hello everyone.


Such a busy day yesterday that we couldn't get a Digest to you. Many apologies, but what passes for normal service is now resumed. I guess apologies are in order for that too.


A rare case of breaking news at a Fórsa conference yesterday with the announcement that eir is to chop 750 jobs. Our Niall Shanahan gave out on the TV3 News, while our Eugene Quinn made RTÉ's 6.01 and today's Morning Ireland (too early for the latter).


Fórsa's reaction to the jobs meltdown also made the Indo, Times, and Examiner. Yours truly was on RTÉ's Drivetime, but that isn't online yet either.


Our Services & Enterprises conference also made an impression over Aer Lingus, with warnings of trouble over management's disengagement from an internal consultation body. That was carried by RTÉ and the Indo too.


Other stories from the gig included fears of aviation privatisation, CE supervisors' pension woes, and calls for a regional airport policy and more air traffic controllers.


There was that "divorce leave" thing too. Cue Sean O'Rourke.


That'll probably do for now. Have a good weekend.


Bernard Harbor

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