Irish Water have warned that more people may face water restrictions if supplies are not conserved following the big freeze and Storm Emma.

13,000 people are without water as of Sunday evening and another 66,000 across the country have had their supply restricted due to low supply in reservoirs.

Customers are being asked turn off outside taps and not to leave taps running at this time.

Among the areas affected are Wexford town, Kildare, Laois, Fingal in Dublin and Waterford.

Following a meeting of the National Emergency Coordination Group on Sunday, head of operations at Irish Water, Catherine Walsh told The Irish Independent that the supply had been partly put under pressure by people running their taps to prevent their pipes from freezing.

“Irish Water is appealing to customers all across the country to conserve water at this time.

"Increasing demand coupled with weather related bursts and leaks has resulted in our water treatment plants running at capacity which could lead to water restrictions in the coming week,” an Irish Water spokesperson said.

“Irish Water is especially appealing to anyone with an outside tap to ensure that it is securely turned off.

"A constant flow from an external tap over 24 hours is the equivalent of the usage of 40 households in the same period.

“As weather conditions improve, our crews have been mobilised where it is safe to do so to make the necessary repairs at plants and to fix bursts,” she added.