The Phantom of the Opera is Dead
by Mark Corcoran

Gerard Hutch walked free from the Special Criminal Court on Monday after he was acquitted of the murder of Kinahan gang member David Byrne at Dublin’s Regency Hotel. He still remains under investigation according to the Irish Times.


A French court has acquitted Airbus and Air France of manslaughter charges over the 2009 crash of Flight 447 from Rio to Paris in which 228 people died, including Jane Deasy from Rathgar, Co Dublin, Eithne Walls from Ballygowan, Co Down and Aisling Butler from Roscrea, Co Tipperary. 


The Leitrim Observer have written a piece on Fórsa's Leitrim branch who are running a coffee morning on Thursday to celebrate administrative day.


The HSE has been refusing to reimburse often elderly and vulnerable patients’ legitimate costs for going abroad to seek treatment because they couldn't get the operations here, the Ombudsman has found.


Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe and Minister for Finance Michael McGrath will outline the State's macroeconomic prospects for 2023 after today's Cabinet meeting. A large surplus in excess of 8 billion is expected according to the Irish Times



Ever wondered how the highest Irish bar in the world gets its Guinness deliverd.....well the answer is Guinness donkeys apparently:


How the highest Irish bar in the world gets its Guinness -



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