Ballot: One more easy thing you can do

Do you want the pay increases in the proposed Public Sector Pay Deal, or do you want to go back to the drawing board? If you don’t take action now, you could lose out. Help us get more people involved. 


The more of you are in the union and voting, the more of a say you have in this pay deal.


Forward this email to just 1 of your colleagues who might not be in a union and tell them to read the info below. You could also copy and paste it into a WhatsApp/ text message.


This is why you should join Fórsa trade union today!

Joining us is easy – takes just a few minutes to do it online. Click here to join us.

    • This ballot is about your pay for the next two and a half years. Do you want the 9.25% proposed pay increase, or do you want to reject it and have potential sustained industrial action?
    • Do not assume the result. In what has been a record-breaking cost of living crisis, this is an urgent and critically important ballot. Do NOT let others decide this for you!
    • By joining Fórsa, you can actually save a huge amount of money. Such as free GP services, 5,000 euro financial supports, to insurance schemes. And that’s not even counting the thousands of euros in legal fees you’d save if you’re ever in a work dispute.
    • There’s a reason so many of your colleagues across Ireland are in a trade union – it’s the most effective way to protect yourself and improve your pay and conditions.



Want more info on the ballot? You can read more in our Plain English Guide here, or visit our resource hub with everything you could want to know.




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