You're fired
by Hazel Gavigan

Further coverage of Fórsa's success with securing improved pay, conditions, and pensions for school secretaries and caretakers was picked up by the Examiner, the Irish Times and the journal. 


Elsewhere in education, secondary school teachers who are members of the ASTI have voted in favour of industrial action unless the Government immediately addresses a number of key Covid related issues in schools. These include the need for a comprehensive testing programme, rapid testing and turnaround times, as well as resources for schools to ensure the continuation of learning where there are school closures or students and staff in self-isolation.


Meanwhile, the CMO, Dr Tony Holohan has said he does not anticipate that NPHET will advise Government not to reopen schools at the end of the midterm break.


In aviation, it was announced yesterday that Ryanair will suspend flights from Cork, Shannon and Ireland West airports entirely from 14th November to 12th December. Aer Lingus are also cutting further flights from regional airports as Covid-19 travel restrictions 'decimate' bookings. This news comes as the Government has not provided Dublin and Cork airports with the planning exemption required to carry out onsite testing at either airport.


A strike is under way in Poland by women opposed to a court ruling that introduced a near-total ban on abortion. Crowds have protested in several cities for the seventh-day running (as shown in today's image) against the decision that outlawed terminations on the grounds of severe health defects.


And finally, with less than a week to go until polling day in the US, things are heating up in the race for President. Hopefully you'll get a kick out of this campaign video - today's Zen is 'the job interview.'


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