Push the sky away
by Niall Shanahan

In case you missed it, Tuesday and Wednesday saw more media coverage of developments at Aer Lingus. Our Cabin Crew branch and officials distributed ballot papers by 4pm on Monday, and at 6pm Aer Lingus withdrew the agreement and told staff it would press ahead with 70% cuts to pay and layoffs. Virgin Media News spoke to Bernard Harbor on Tuesday afternoon, while I spoke to Katie Hannon on RTE Radio One's Drivetime programme. RTE reports my comments here, and you can listen to the full interview here (from 11:40).


Peter Hamilton had this comprehensive explainer in the Irish Times yesterday. The Group of Unions has since contacted the Irish Times disputing the company's claim that “It had been agreed with the Group of Unions that the discussions would be structured such that the document would not need to be put to ballot." Last night RTE reported that Aer Lingus pilots  (represented by Fórsa's IALPA branch) will see earnings gradually recover to 80% of normal by April if they accept proposals in a ballot, while Bloomberg reports that parent company IAG is reviewing its strategy to help reposition the group.


Also in yesterday's media, Kevin Callinan's letter to the Irish Times was published, responding to criticism by the paper of President Higgins' recent comments on ratings agencies. You can also access that here (via Twitter).


Elsewhere, the Labour Court published its 2019 annual report yesterday and announced that it has been hearing appeals and referrals to the Court in virtual courtrooms since the start of June 2020. The Court's presser is available here. The Irish Examiner reports today that there was a 20% rise in the number of industrial disputes last year referred to the Labour Court, and the court does not expect a reduction in cases due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In government formation news, Independent TDs are set to meet Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Greens as the three parties seek to bolster support for the proposed new administration (will the grand coalition roll out the pork barrel?) and the Green Party is to discuss the coalition deal in an eight-hour online convention tonight which more than 2,400 members have registered to vote in.


Your Zen this morning throws a rueful look at those forecasted storm clouds above and calls in this performance by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis. Push the Sky Away was recorded live at Sydney Opera House last December, accompanied by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and Sydney Philharmonia Choirs. It's quite beautiful. Enjoy.


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