Tuesday's round-up
by Róisín McKane

The over-70s will be among the first groups to be given Covid-19 vaccinations, alongside long-term care residents and frontline healthcare workers, under plans to be considered by Cabinet on Tuesday. The Government will consider more than a dozen different population cohorts, determined by a range of criteria, including age, employment and vulnerability to underlying conditions.


The INTO has written to Taoiseach Micheál Martin asking him to consider prioritising teachers, SNAs and other school staff for the Covid vaccine rollout. 


Elsewhere, vaccination programmes began in Northern Ireland this morning.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen look set to meet in person this week in a bid to break the stalemate in post-Brexit trade deal talks. The leaders are due to discuss their “remaining differences” over the coming days.


Back home, Cabinet will receive today what is being termed a comprehensive overview on the country's Brexit preparations, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney. 


Housing supply is unlikely to meet demand until at least the end of 2023, according to an analysis of the housing market by the Banking and Payments Federation Ireland.


The Examiner reports that politicians from across the political spectrum are receiving more personalised, more vicious and more sustained online abuse.


In aviation, Lufthansa will have reportedly cut 29,000 staff by the end of the year and the German airline will cut another 10,000 jobs in its home country next year as it struggles to cope with the coronavirus. 


And finally, Siptu members have accepted a new collective agreement for live action film and television crew in a ballot result that the trade union said would bring stability to the industry. Screen Producers Ireland, which welcomed the decision, said it would help promote the Republic as a location for shooting feature films and high-end television drama and send “a strong message that the industry is committed to collaborative industrial relations”.


Peter Kay brings us our zen this morning. I was reminded of this sketch as I sorrowfully lost a chocolate digestive to a cup of tea over the weekend.


Have a good day folks.






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