Free kick
by Mehak Dugal

A children’s reading event to mark Pride Week in Co. Kerry was disrupted by protesters who left library staff "shaken and upset". Gardai were called to the scene and an enquiry is now underway. The group, believed to be far-right agitators who have been regularly harassing library workers in Cork city, were objecting to a Pride event taking place at Tralee Library and moved past a crowd of people trying to block them before going into the room with kids.

Workers at Tara Mines have voted to accept proposals brokered by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) following temporary lay-offs. Unions Siptu, Connect and Unite recommended acceptance of the proposals and members approved them yesterday in a ballot.


The BBC reports that NIC-ICTU has warned of further industrial action in Northern Ireland if public sector pay falls behind other parts of the UK. Millions of public sector workers in England and Wales are to get pay rises of 5% to 7%, the government has said. But with no ministers in place and severe pressure on budgets it is not clear what pay awards will be made.


In other news, Hollywood actors have joined a strike by screenwriters in the industry's biggest shutdown for more than 60 years. Some 160,000 performers stopped work at midnight in Los Angeles, bringing to a halt most US film and TV productions. The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) wants streaming giants to agree to a fairer split of profits and better working conditions.

And back home, the Dáil’s summer recess has begun, with politicians not due back in Leinster House until September.


Finally, hundreds of golden retrievers, and their owners, had gathered at the Highland ancestral home of the breed yesterday. The first golden retriever puppies were born at Guisachan House in Glen Affric 155 years ago and this event was one of the world's largest gatherings of the breed in one place, with hundreds meeting up at the ruined mansion house.

Have a good weekend all!

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