Chapeau le tour de Dublin
by Niall Shanahan

The front pages today are the usual blend of Covid stories - college campuses are at Level 3 from today while a number of other counties might be heading the same way - while the Irish Examiner has a front page story about how staff at Spike Island tours lost their jobs over demands for toilet facilities.


The Indo leads with news of a shift in the property market, while the Guardian reports that world leaders have pledged to clamp down on pollution, embrace sustainable economic systems and eliminate the dumping of plastic waste in oceans by the middle of the century. In the same paper, and sticking with the environment, there's a report on how industrial farming has contributed to Ireland’s water crisis.


The Business Post reports that Congress has warned that emergency pandemic pay reductions should have been agreed with employees and cases could end up in court. Laura Bambrick, Ictu‘s head of social policy, said that employers who applied pay cuts as an emergency measure during the early phases of the pandemic without the full consent of their employees could face cases in front of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) and potentially in the civil courts. The Post story is behind a paywall but the full text is available on request (just drop me a line).


TheJournal, meanwhile, has a story about the Government's unease at recognising Covid as an occupational illness.


Last week the Seanad debated the Forestry (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2020, which, it is hoped, will help to improve the current process of appeals for felling licences and clear the current backlog of appeals. The debate transcript is available here.


Elsewhere, The Guardian reports that coronavirus is driving a surge in support for unionisation, according games industry activists.


Your Zen this morning marks the release of the Pillow Queens' album In Waiting. The album, by the Donaghmede four piece, has been met with rave reviews. The NME says the album "takes you right to the heart of modern Ireland." Here's a track, holy show


Have a good week.




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