Life on...Venus?
by Róisín McKane

The Times reports that Government will decide this morning if it will escalate the alert level of Dublin above the rest of the State under its new medium-term Living with Covid-19 five-level plan, as serious concerns continue about the rates of infection in the capital. Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that Dublin’s wet-pubs will not be allowed to reopen next week as planned due to rising cases.


An Garda Síochána representative bodies have been told that public servants are unlikely to receive any pay rises in 2021, though the Government is not planning a return to the FEMPI austerity measures introduced during the financial crisis. Read more on that here.


Workers across the broader building and construction sectors have overwhelmingly backed potential strike action if employers move to reduce their terms and conditions. Last night, trade union Connect said that industrial action in the construction sector could also be triggered if a planned 2.7 per cent pay rise due at the start of October was not paid.


The Government’s decision to exclude from consideration how the past performance of a school should affect its students’ Leaving Certificate results is expected to be a target of legal challenge according to this report by The Times. 


Boris Johnson’s plan to break international law by reneging on the Brexit withdrawal agreement has survived a backbench rebellion to pass its first stage in Parliament.


The Government has been called upon to grant a free vote on a bill seeking to allow terminally ill people to end their own lives. Read more here. 


And finally, as Culture Night draws closer, here’s a look at how you celebrate it safely. 


The Waterboys bring us our  zen this morning with This Is The Sea - a song that has been stuck in my head for days. 


Have a good day folks.





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