Tusla is mired in failure yet allowed to go unchallenged

After the Charleton Report, the 'cover your incompetent arse award' goes to Tusla

SUCCESS AND FAILURE: Maurice McCabe and his wife Lorraine finally received some measure of justice. Photo: Tony Gavin

Miriam O'Callaghan

There were exhalations of 'finally' when Justice Charleton published his report last Thursday week, putting the final cuts and polishes to Ireland's answer to the Hope Diamond, Sergeant Maurice McCabe. It was a breathtaking report, forensic in its analysis, unsparing of 'official Ireland's' malice, gossip, incompetence, carelessness, chaos, couldn't-give-a-tuppeny, whatever-you-say-say-nothing and extravagant "stupidity" that strutted across a decade - yes 10 long years - of the life of Garda Sergeant McCabe, his wife Lorraine and their family.

In this box of delights, I looked everywhere for a detailed appraisal of the pesky missing phones... but no joy.