Explosions in the sky
by Róisín McKane

Today's front pages focus on the potential for Cop28 to fail after disagreements around plans to ban fossil fuels. Check out more on that here. 


Hunger is worsening among Palestinians in a besieged Gaza. Most of the 2.3 million people who live there have been driven from their homes, and finding refuge and food is impossible. Meanwhile, EU officials will begin drawing up a list of extremist Israeli settlers who have been attacking Palestinians in the West Bank so they may be subject to potential sanctions, according to the EU's chief diplomat.


A coalition of charities and voluntary organisations, whose staff were awarded an 8% pay increase by the WRC in October, say they are extremely disappointed that the Government has not yet clarified the mechanism of how funds will be provided to allow payment of the award.


The INMO has called on the Health Service Executive to take urgent action as its figures showed that 747 admitted patients, including 32 children, were waiting for a hospital bed this morning.


The cost to employ someone to do the work performed by a stay-at-home parent would be around €54,590 per year, according to a new study.


Nearly half of adults say they do not make enough money, either through salary or benefits, to cover their living expenses, according to new research.


An finally for zen. George Michael brings it today with Faith, which marks it's 36th year today - a guaranteed earworm. 


Have a good day folks. 



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