Bad jazz goes good
by Bernard Harbor

Also Stateside, two police officers were shot in protests last night, while Trump has again refused to say if he'll accept the US election outcome if he loses.


Back home, the virus has spread all over the media with NPHET meeting today amid warnings of further restrictions across the country. Germany has declared Dublin high-risk.


Concerns have also been voiced about Covid testing capacity in the mental health sector as the HSE prepares to put extra hospital beds on wards.


Elsewhere, the Examiner unmasks the chicken processor charging its staff up to €50 for PPE, and also carries a warning on the future of regional airports. Meanwhile, Ibec has responded to ICTU's decision (reported in yesterday's Digest) to pull out of the Low Pay Commission.


In political news, most titles major on Micheál Martin's feisty spat with Mary Lou McDonald.


It's National Bike Week, and the Fórsa Covid-Compliant Conference Charity Cycle pushes off tomorrow (Friday). It's raised over €150,000 for cancer and mental health charities over the years, and you can donate by contacting Dessie ( Meanwhile, RTÉ has this on a campaign for improved rural bike facilities.  


Finally, a shout-out to Tuam-born Mike Cooley, who passed away earlier this month. The engineer, trade unionist and activist was an early influencer of UK and international debates about technology and work, as he advocated over decades for a green, non-militarist and socially-just economy. I was saddened to come upon this obituary, which appeared in the Guardian last week.


And here's your Zen, in which Danish jazz musicians take on the far right. It's short, loud, and to the point.



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