Show your solidarity: Time to #EndTheFreeze



Today at 12.45pm we'll stand outside hospitals around Ireland calling for an end to the HSE recruitment pause.


If you're at one of these locations join your colleagues at 12.45pm to make your voice heard! Take photos and share them online using #EndTheFreeze


If you're in another HSE location you can show your solidarity by:


1) Taking part in our online solidarity action by clicking here


2) Printing these posters to distribute among your colleagues and display in your workplace


The HSE doesnt want to admit that vacant posts must be filled. At this time of year, the health services need to be fully staffed, not understaffed.


The  recruitment freeze is unfair, our members are not responsible for the HSE overspending. 


Together we want to make our voices heard so that the HSE know it's time to fill vital posts and #EndTheFreeze


Thank you,


Yours in solidarity, 


Ashley Connolly

Head of Health & Welfare


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