Wednesday's news
by Mehak Dugal

A solidarity protest has been planned to support library staff in Cork following a spate of demonstrations targeting LGBTQ+ books. Fórsa said library workers have been placed “at risk in their place of work” by the recent protests.

The RTÉ board used confusing narratives that left people bewildered, to explain how public money ended up “feathering the nest of one man”, the ICTU delegate conference was told yesterday. This related to an emergency motion tabled by the NUJ, Siptu and Connect that was unanimously backed by delegates at the Ictu biennial conference on the crisis at the broadcaster.

New documents released by RTÉ show that former Director General Dee Forbes told presenter Ryan Tubridy in 2020 that his pay would not be reduced. The information was contained in a series of documents submitted to TDs last night ahead of RTÉ’s appearance before the Oireachtas Media Committee this afternoon.

The Government has announced plans to expand free GP care to more than half a million people next month. The move will expand community healthcare from August to almost 80,000 six and seven-year-olds who currently don’t have a GP card and roughly 470,000 people who are earning up to the median income of €47,000.

And Monday was the hottest day globally of modern records. The average global temperature reached 17.01 degrees Celsius, higher than the last record of 16.92 degrees, which was recorded in 2016.

Have a good day folks.

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