by Bernard Harbor
1984 was published on 8th June 1949.
1984 was published on 8th June 1949.

Today's picture shows Bristol protesters depositing slave trader Edward Colston's statue in the drink yesterday. Meanwhile, the police department in Prince's home town of Minneapolis, where George Floyd was murdered by cops, looks set to be disbanded.


Back home, the Irish Times has Green Party sources claiming that Fine Gael and Fianna Fáíl both want yearly reductions in the deficit as part of a programme for government. Current Green leader Eamon Ryan is interviewed in the Examiner, while most titles report progress in the administration-formation talks.


The 'two-metre rule' is under pressure, though the daily Covid-19 stats are still trending well and New Zealand is now virus-free.


It's reported that the departments of health and business are among those running out of dough, and the National Gallery's feeling the pinch too.


My thanks to Billy Hannigan for steering me towards today's Zen, which features Muhammad Ali wondering why everything is white.


Have a good week.




PS. You may put your hose pipes away.

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