Spice box, taxi by the Centra: Anseo
by Niall Shanahan

This morning's Irish Examiner picks up on news we brought you in the Health & Welfare news bulletin of 26th February about the commencement of an independent review of the assessment of need process for children who have, or may have, a disability. Here's our coverage from the Fórsa bulletin, confirming agreement on the terms of reference for the review. Here's a copy of the minister's statement issued yesterday.


Elsewhere, the Irish Times reports this morning that a Government commitment to extend paid parents leave from two weeks to five weeks will become operational next month. On Saturday RTE's Education correspondent Emma O'Kelly wrote about schools re-opening with a reference to Fórsa's successful push for medical grade facemasks for SNAs.


"A blast from the past called Social Partnership, the fall-back system for running the country behind the curtain, is making a comeback. Never waste a good crisis" - that was the opening salvo from Colm McCarthy in yesterday's Sindo under the arresting header: "Government should choose its friends wisely: Trade unions and the business lobby should not be allowed to run the country as they did before."


You can't say he lacks consistency, and the colourful descriptions just keep coming, including the "coalition of the unconvicted." Red meat to a certain class of Sindo reader. McCarthy's fears of a revival of Ireland's short history of excess might well be triggered by the revived lionisation of high-rolling developers...but I'm only speculating.


Elsewhere in the Sundays, the Post reported the Government's intention to "triple its vaccination efforts" on yesterday's front page, while page 10 has a story on the higher education minister's intentions to set targets for public sector apprenticeships in state departments, councils and government bodies, and there was more on that story on this morning's Morning Ireland on RTE.


Finally, here's what it says in this morning's papers.




Your Zen this morning comes from a phenomenal woman from Limerick, Denise Chaila, whose album Go Bravely picked up the Choice music award last week, and deservedly so. Here's Anseo for a taste.


Have a good week, stay safe. Feel the groove.



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