Beautiful Carnage
by Niall Shanahan

In Saturday's Indo Anne-Marie Walsh reported that Fine Gael ministers will not accept a pay increase due as part of public service pay restoration measures by July. The same edition reports on a meeting between IALPA and housing minister Daragh O'Brien. Today Walsh reports that up to 200,000 workers a year will benefit because the six-day waiting period for the State benefit for non-Covid-related illnesses is to reduce to three days.


Further to reaction to a new public service pay deal in last week's Irish Times letters pages (the debate played out over Thursday and Friday editions), Colm McCarthy in yesterday's Sindo casts a jaundiced eye: "We are all in this together, but some have secured premium seats.", while Micheál Lucey fulminated again in the Irish Examiner's letters page.


In Covid news, we're still facing a challenging year, the Gards have identified a group who launched fireworks at them in Grafton Street on Saturday, and Leo Varadkar is to have a word with the tech giants about how their platforms are helping to mobilise protests breaching public health guidelines.


In the Business Post, Michael Brennan reports on a clash between Taoiseach and Tánaiste on the issue of remote working: "The Tánaiste wants ‘ambitious’ incentives and capital allowances to encourage the practice, but Donohoe fears the effect on city centres and career development for young staff."


Elsewhere, Traveller representatives are calling on the Government to restate its commitment to the national inclusion strategy for the Traveller and Roma communities. 




Last week saw a clutch of great new album releases from Mogwai, A Winged Victory For The Sullen, The Notwist and Bicep. Among them too was a new release from Nick Cave, which is always very good news. On Thursday last he and long-time collaborator Warren Ellis launched Carnage into the world. It's dark, wonderfully gloomy but hopeful and joyful too. It's also delicately assembled with the tonal brilliance and craftsmanship you expect from these two. Here's the title track for a taste.


Have a good week, stay safe. Let the happiness in.



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