The bottom of the Zen barrel
by Bernard Harbor

Money Minister Paschal Donohoe anticipates a strong post-Covid recovery as Ireland clocks up €35 billion extra debt, while Mandate fears almost 500 shop workers will lose their jobs after Arcadia entered liquidation. 


In Covid news (is there any other kind?) Paul Reid says the HSE doesn't have enough nurses to give residential homes a dig-out if new outbreaks hit.


Elsewhere, NPHET has described 'zero Covid' as an "utterly false promise" (though our health minister doesn't seem so sure), close contact testing is to resume, and there's a new vaccine on the block.


On the plus side, Ireland's carbon emissions are down in the week a UN poll found two-thirds of us agree that climate change is a global emergency.


Finally. Regular readers know there's no straw to feeble to clutch in the Zen Zone, where Kansas Day becomes an opportunity to share some Peggy Lee. I can't believe you forgot it was today!


Enjoy the weekend as much as you can.



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