Conference Adjourns
by Mark Corcoran

Plenty of coverage from day 2 of our Divisional conferences including the emergency motion brought forward by local authorities to undertake an immediate health and safety risk assessment after incidents of far right actors staging protests at public libraries. Fórsa member and librarian Paula Courtney spoke to Cork's RedFM.


Red FM also covered the Services and Enterprises motion on domestic violence leave. The motion called for Fórsa to enter collective bargaining to increase the number of domestic violence leave days to ten.


Today there will be a presentation by Professor John Geary, Professor of Employment Relations, UCD followed by and address by General Secretary of ICTU, Owne Reidy. 


In other news the European Central Bank (ECB) raised interest rates for the seventh time since last July. Leo Varadkar has confirmed that the reintroduction of mortgage interest relief will form part of negotiations on the budget within Government.


The Association of Higher Civil and Public Servants (AHCPS) will hear calls today for staff in Government departments to be moved to a four-day working week.










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