Wake me up before you BoJo
by Craig Whelan

The Irish Times reports this morning that the Tories are in "open revolt" over the prospect of Boris Johnson's impending leadership. The paper reports that senior MPs are openly planning to rebel against Mr. Johnson's pledge to take the UK out of the European Union on October 31st with or without a deal. Among them are three Cabinet ministers, with more expected to follow suit.


The Times also reports that Ryanair pilots will today meet union officials to discuss the slow progress of a pay claim made to the airline. Pilots from the airline will meet officials from both Fórsa and the Irish Airline Pilots' Association (Ialpa) to discuss a response to the airline's reluctance to move on the pay claim. Meanwhile the British Airline Pilots' Association (Balpa) prepares to ballot its Ryanair members on possible industrial action over pay and conditions. 


The ESRI has found that a geographic imbalance in the distribution of healthcare services in the State "could impede the progress towards the equity goals of Sláintecare", according to the Irish Times. The report finds "significant inequalities" in the distribution of primary, community, and long-term health services in the country. The report states that such an imbalance will have policy implications as "considerable increase in supply of non-acute care" would be required in many areas of the country to succesfully implement Sláintecare.


The Irish Independent also analyses the ESRI report, describing the current provision of primary, community, and long-term care services as a "postcode lottery".


Lack of investment in the water fluoridation programme has left large amounts of the public water supply unfluoridated, according to the Indo. The HSE has warned that current investment is inadequate to maintain existing fluoridation levels. Studies of children's oral health consistently showed those living in areas with fluoridated water had 18pc less tooth decay than those living in non-fluoridated areas.


The Irish Times reports that an investigation is taking place into a Garda inspector who is suspected of double-jobbing. The garda - who holds a role in the AGSI - is suspected of working as a security consultant for Coolmore Stud in Co. Tipperary. The garda code strictly forbids members from taking secondary employment in the security industry. 


At least 150 "hidden homeless" are living in tents in Dublin City according to the Irish Mirror. The last official count of rough sleepers in Dublin city was 128 but charity leaders believe the true figure is about 230 people – with many sleeping in parks, the paper reports. The paper cites the lack of suitable emergency accommodation as the reason for the surge in rough sleeping. 


Finally, temperatures today are expected to reach a high of 23 to 26 degrees, so stay cool folks.


This morning's Zen is a piece from Dutch broadcaster NOS, who show French road workers whose jobs it is to repaint the penises drawn on the course of the Tour de France and turn them into other works of "art" such as owls.



Have a great day all!



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