Sign of the times

The Government has announced its five-level plan for ‘Living with Covid-19′ over the next six months and it sets out five different levels of restrictions that can be in place in different counties depending on the levels of Covid-19 in each area.

Fans will be allowed again to attend sporting events around the country following yesterday’s announcement of the plan. From today, 200 spectators will be permitted into venues which would usually have the capacity to host crowds of 5,000 or more as Ireland is currently Level Two in terms of restrictions. Here’s a quick rundown of what level 2 means.


Meanwhile, the number of people who can attend a wedding will be limited to 50 under the new plan. 


Health Minister Stephen Donnelly last night received a negative test result for Covid-19 and Cabinet ministers are no longer required to restrict their movements. The entire Cabinet and the Acting CMO Dr Ronan Glynn were forced to isolate earlier in the day after Donnelly began feeling unwell.


Employers group Ibec has called on the Government to introduce measures to tackle youth unemployment, as well as preparing for the fallout of a possible no-deal Brexit, in its pre-Budget 2021 submission.


Sweden, Germany and Poland are set to be among the countries to be added to the Government’s green list of countries people can visit without facing movement restrictions on their return, when the list is updated next Monday.

The HSE has resumed serial COVID-19 testing of all staff in meat processing factories after the mass testing regime was suspended last week due to an increase in demand for testing in the community.

Lastly, The members of Irish Women in Harmony finally dropped an in-person cover for their chart-topping version of 'The Cranberries' Dreams, the virtual performance of which went viral a couple months ago, and it sounds even better the second time. Enjoy!


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