All the young pups
by Niall Shanahan

On Friday the CE supervisors represented by Fórsa and SIPTU voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action, up to and including strike action, in the ongoing dispute concerning the failure of the Government to implement the 2008 Labour Court recommendation regarding their right to a pension. We posted this story on the Fórsa website on Friday and there's more background in last week's Services & Enterprises news bulletin.


Saturday's Irish Times carried a letter signed by the leaders of civil society groups (including Fórsa) calling for zero tolerance for hate speech in politics.


Elsewhere, Britain will be leaving the EU on Friday night (remember Brexit?) and Denis Staunton writes that Britain’s strategy is causing confusion ahead of the next phase of EU talks, ASTI is balloting for industrial action, and Hugh Logue remembers Seamus Mallon, whose funeral takes place today in Armagh.


This morning's Zen is for the dog lovers among you, it might even appeal to those of you who don't love dogs too. The World's Smallest Sheepdog is the Twitter account of Inca, an unconventional Irish sheepdog with almost 10,000 followers. She recently had a litter of pups. It's been a very therapeutic experience for many of her followers. Here's a clip of the pups being rescued from a sleeve they possibly found far too cosy.


Here's some bonus Zen for you, seeing as it's Monday. Conner Habib has been living in Ireland for a year now, and here's all the things he likes about it. Warning: contains compliments.


Have a good week, exercise caution if you're driving in the West, it's icy out there.

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