Tusla Career Pathway Review Update

Dear members,

I am writing to tell you about an important win for Fórsa members working in Tusla. In 2021 we sought to have terms of the career pathway interim report implemented for our members in Tusla, and I am pleased to report we have now secured agreement for this.   

The scheme which is now agreed was launched via the Tusla hub last Friday, 17th May.  

The agreement currently covers basic/staff grade Health & Social Care Professionals across the entire Agency in the following professions:   

  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Play Therapist
  • Social Care Worker
  • Social Worker
  • Addiction counsellor

Those in the above professions are eligible to apply for grade progression from basic to senior if the following conditions are met:

  1. You must be permanent staff member of Tusla.
  2. You must have an aggregate of 5 years post-graduation service/experience in the profession (60 months aggregate)
  3. You must have the recommended approval of senior competences by their line manager.

There are two routes available to access grade progression under this agreement:

  1. Existing basic/staff grades from the above list of professions who are on a current live Tusla panel for the promoted grade, with 5 years reckonable service can apply for this process without having to undergo a competency-based assessment.
  2.  Existing basic/staff grades from the above list of professions who are not on a live panel for the promoted grade, but who have the 5 years reckonable service will be required to undergo a competency-based assessment. 

Staff upgraded through this process must commit to staying in the designated Senior Post for a minimum of 3 years. This will be a condition of appointment. This means that a grade-to-grade transfer will not be available during that time. However, it does not prevent anyone who is upgraded through this process from applying for further promotional opportunities when they arise.

More information about the agreement and how to apply for upgrade in your job is available from our frequently asked questions document (FAQs) which was developed and agreed between the union and Tusla is available by clicking HERE. Please consult the FAQ document in the first instance. If you have additional queries in relation to the career pathway process, please contact your local union branch or official. 

This is a very important achievement for members arising from the Interim Report of the Independent Chairperson on the Career Pathway Review (CPR).

The remaining piece of the CPR, which intends to examine those grades above basic, is due to recommence its work soon, with the target of making recommendations by end 2024. 


Please be assured that the union will seek speedy implementation of any recommendations arising from this next stage of the CPR, which we hope will see further improvements for our members’ career pathway and terms and conditions.

Yours sincerely, 


Chris Cully
Assistant General Secretary 

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