O before E
by Niall Shanahan

In other news, we expect to be announcing the results of the survey of school secretaries later today. The Irish Examiner on Friday reported the possibility of industrial action resuming by 1,000 school secretaries nationwide, while Drogheda Life reports political reaction.


Remote working continues to be a focus for research, as the Connacht Tribune reports that researchers at NUI Galway have launched the second stage of a national survey on remote working.


In the last few minutes the Irish Times reported that the Coalition’s three party leaders are to meet the State’s chief medical officer this morning to discuss the latest NPHET recommendations. Meanwhile, the US president is still alive and, frankly, still at it.


Your Zen this morning follows a string of recent anniversaries jostling for attention. Radiohead's Kid A, for example, was released 20 years ago last Friday. Five years earlier, on the same date, Oasis released (What's the story) Morning Glory?, giving rise to a million poorly-performed cover versions of pop music's most dubious word salad, Wonderwall.


However, this tweet cast my Zen radar back a little further to the genius of Buster Keaton, born 125 years ago yesterday. His 1965 collaboration with Irish playwright Samuel Beckett (yes really) is documented by NPR. Click on the image above - where Beckett, Keaton and director Alan Schneider look like a very cool but very obscure indie band - for more about Film.


Have a good week, stay safe and wear a raincoat.





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