Don’t delay: Voting closes soon

You must vote by 12 noon on Monday 22nd February if you want to have your say on the new public service agreement, called Building Momentum. The deal features pay improvements, progress on restoring the so-called ‘Haddington Road hours,’ and cash-saving commitments on CORU fees.


The union has extended the ballot period to maximise the opportunity for members to participate. This became possible when the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) put back its deadline for individual unions to reach a decision.


Because of Covid-19 restrictions, Fórsa members can only vote via our electronic voting platform. You should have received your unique code by email. If you don’t have it, contact our email helpline at NOW.


Don’t delay, or you will lose your chance to influence decisions that affect your pay and working conditions.


Fórsa’s elected National Executive has recommended ACCEPTANCE of this deal because:

  • Its pay measures mean improvements for all, heavily skewed towards those earning less than €50,000 a year

  • It’s the first public service agreement to address the additional working time introduced under the 2013 Haddington Road agreement (the ‘Haddington Road hours’)

  • It underpins the €100 annual cap on CORU fees for health and social care professionals, and re-introduces ‘twilight payments’

  • It maintains important protections against outsourcing.

Don’t let others make this crucial decision about your pay and working conditions. Cast your vote before 12 noon on Monday 22nd February.


Contact Fórsa’s ballot helpdesk HERE


Get full details of the agreement HERE

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