Noo Joyzee Correspondence
by Niall Shanahan
Perhaps the only Russian you'll see supporting the Biden/Harris ticket this year. The Dude's tipple of choice, the White Russian.
Perhaps the only Russian you'll see supporting the Biden/Harris ticket this year. The Dude's tipple of choice, the White Russian.

Front pages continue to be a largely Covid-driven affair, and there's a diverse range of Covid news and views on offer. Concerns in schools as one of the supplied hand sanitiser products has had to be recalled, the WHO's Mike Ryan says young people are sick of being told what not to do, here's a guide to the best Lockdown TV and Diarmaid Ferriter argues that we've been infantilised by the Government's latest move with the promise of 'Christmas if we're good'.


Elsewhere, nine people were arrested following clashes between gardaí and anti-lockdown protesters in Dublin yesterday.


Your Zen this morning comes from an artist I admire greatly without really being a fan, if such a thing is possible. Yep, Bruce is back, he's 71 (and looks incredible) and he's remobilised the E-Street band.


They've turned out another fine slice of the kind of Americana that, if nothing else, reminds us that the US still has a defiant edge to it that prevents it from descending into Trumpland. Let's hope that edge reveals and asserts itself as the votes are counted after election day. A sample below and the verdict from the Guardian's Alexis Petridis ("political, emotional and sometimes hugely enjoyable") when you click the image above.


Have a good weekend, stay local, and do something fun.




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