A century
by Niall Shanahan

Today marks the centenary of the first meeting of the Dáil, on 21st January 1919. If you've ever visited the Mansion House in Dublin the photograph above, (linked to an explainer page) depicting that historic occasion, greets you as you enter the Round Room, where it took place.


Today's front pages feature the usual smattering of Brexit uncertainty, with the Telegraph peddling the idea that part of the Good Friday Agreement could be rewritten...by Theresa May. As this thing drags on, the unicorns are getting weirder and darker.


Elsewhere, the Minister for Climate Action and Environment Richard Bruton has said hard choices are facing every sector of society if Ireland is to respond adequately to climate disruption and to honour its commitments to reduce carbon emissions. Meanwhile, it's so hot down under the fruit is cooking on the trees.


The Irish Independent reports that IALPA members are set to take industrial action at CHC Helicopters in a dispute over recruitment and retention, which is also reported in the Belfast Telegraph. Ireland's search and rescue helicopter service is operated under contract by CHC. Elsewhere, up to 150 IALPA members are facing uncertainty as Norwegian Air plans to cut jobs, slash pay and reduce craft at its Irish base as it bids to save €200 million.


And on this Blue Monday (which I don't think is an actual thing, it's just filler for slow news schedules), and as Ibec hosts a 'Future of Work' seminar in University College Cork this week, we note with interest that the Wellcome Trust is considering moving all of its 800 head office staff to a four-day week in a bid to boost productivity and improve work-life balance. With thanks to my colleague Mr Harbor for the heads up on that news.


Your moment of Lunar Zen comes in the form of last night's super blood wolf moon. While the impressively full moon in last night's crisp clear sky caught my eye, the eclipse was way past my bed time.


Have a good week.


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