Ongoing industrial action: Proposed escalation paused (telephone bans)  





Dear members,


Firstly, I must acknowledge the solidarity that our members have shown over the last few weeks during the period of industrial action. We continue to engage with hundreds of members each week, answering queries in relation to derogations or providing clarification around the two instructions that have issued to date. The work of our local workplace representatives and branch committees must be acknowledged as they continue to support members each day throughout these difficult times.  


You will be aware that we attended a second conciliation hearing in the workplace relations commission on the 8th November 2023 in relation to our ongoing industrial action. This hearing commenced at 10.30am and concluded at approximately 7.15pm. Again, this hearing allowed for an exchange of views with the back and forth between the union side and management continuing throughout the day. Various position papers were exchanged but we could not get to a position that was acceptable and would have facilitated ongoing recruitment into the clerical admin/managerial grades.


Both sides were asked to reflect to determine how a solution could be found, and it was agreed we would reconvene on the 15th November 2023. 


Therefore, we will not be commencing with the proposed telephone bans due to commence the week of the 13th November and have paused this to allow for the hearing on the 15th November 2023. (Notice of this action issued to members on the 19th October 2023). If no solution is found in the WRC on the 15th November then a decision will be made as to the next steps and we will issue a notice to members immediately.


It is important to note that our industrial action is continuing and that unless a derogation has been granted, members are advised to continue to follow the two instructions (these are also available on our website) . If you are unclear whether you should carry out a function or forward any financial, data or statistical information, please check with either your local representative, branch or official in the first instance. All three have the most update to date information in relation to any derogations granted.      


Again, I would like to thank you for your continued support over the last few weeks as we navigate our way to finding a solution that will protect our members now and into the future. 


Yours in solidarity


Ashley Connolly

Head of Health & Welfare Division




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