Industrial action in Tusla suspended

The following update regards developments in our current dispute with your employer, following its withdrawal of the Job Evaluation Scheme for clerical admin members in grades III to VI.   


Industrial action, in the form of a 'work to rule',  has been underway since October 2023, following an overwhelming majority vote by members. 97.7 % approved industrial action. 


Since then, we have been working in the background to try and make progress. We brought the case back to the Workplace Relations Commission on 4th December 2023 but no resolution was found. We then referred the case to the Labour Court in an effort to win back your job evaluation scheme. 


Our Labour Court hearing took place on the 29th April 2024.The decision of the Labour Court will issue to the union within the next number of weeks. Following the hearing, your employer requested a suspension of the industrial action given that the Court hearing has concluded. Fórsa's Disputes Committee met this week and decided that the industrial action should be suspended. 


As such members are advised by the union that our current industrial action is now suspended whilst we await the decision of the Labour Court. We will be informing Tusla Employee Relations of this decision also.   


You can read the official letter to members from Fórsa assistant general secretary Chris Cully here


Please be aware that the suspension of the ‘work to rule’ industrial action must not be taken as a white flag for managers to load you with additional work above and beyond your existing job. The principle of ‘one person one job’ must still be respected and observed. If you experience any difficulties in this regard, please contact your local representative for advice and support.


Your collective commitment to holding strong on this issue kept the necessary pressure up and shined a continued light on the issue. A further update to members will issue when the Labour Court findings have been received. 

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