Windfall apples
by Fórsa Communications Unit

Elsewhere in this morning's news, reports that Gardaí could close public spaces under proposed coronavirus measures, Paul Cullen in the Irish Times writes that delays in testing and tracing are the real problem, a 'digital divide' is emerging for children trying to adjust to remote learning and Chris Johns argues the case for using Apple's €15bn tax to fund us through the crisis.


In a new blog published by the Nevin Economic Research Institute at the weekend, Dr Tom McDonnell writes: Only a massive state intervention can prevent deep recession. "The immediate economic priority should be to prevent large scale job losses and a destruction of the economy’s productive capacity. Achieving this goal will necessitate large-scale supports for small businesses and manufacturers to cover their wages and maintenance costs for the periods when they are shut down due to Covid-19. Representatives of employers, employees and government should come together to work out the appropriate firm and sector specific details."


Fórsa General Secretary Kevin Callinan also emphasised the need for real social dialogue in order to address the huge challenges we're facing, citing the Danish tripartite agreement struck last week to create greater security for employees.


Your moment of Zen this morning tips its Stetson to the late Kenny Rogers.


Have a good week and stay safe colleagues.

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