State foundations
by Niall Shanahan

Collective bargaining, digitalisation of work and tackling climate change are all on the agenda this morning, as well as the presentation of candidates for elected offices (EPSU President, EPSU General Secretary, EPSU Member Auditors).


This afternoon Congress will be addressed by Ireland’s Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe.


Thursday 6th June: News headlines

  • Here's a look at today's front pages of Irish and UK newspapers.
  • EPSU presidential candidate Mette Nord introduces herself to delegates in a special Q&A interview: "I want to contribute to the struggle of the European public service unions and our European Federation to achieve a social and sustainable Europe. Tackling the climate crisis and putting people and our planet over profits are key. It is crucial to invest in public services and the men and women who deliver them, which means higher pay and better conditions for many. As President of the Federation I will strongly support action to reduce the gender pay and pension gaps and fight for equality between men and women, as set out in EPSU’s “Breaking with the Past” manifesto." Read the full Q&A HERE.
  • Here is a report from about PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli's address to conference yesterday.
  • Denmark’s Social Democrats are hoping to return to power after winning yesterday’s general election. Social Democrat leader Mette Frederiksen is aiming be Denmark’s next – and at 41 youngest-ever – prime minister. Projections give her centre-left bloc 90 seats in the new parliament and 75 for the centre-right.
  • On the Fórsa blog, David Joyce of the Irish of Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) writes about how the International Labour Organisation (ILO) is due to complete negotiations next week on a new law to prohibit, prevent and remedy violence and harassment in the workplace. You can read the blog HERE.

Here's a short video from EPSU about the union's campaigning mission:



Your Congress Guide is available here and the conference agenda is available here.


Follow all the conference news, images and updates on Twitter at #EPSUcongress19


SIPTU's Paddy Cole has assembled this short video capturing day two of this week's Congress:



Dublin's fair city


The Mansion House


Tonight Congress will host an evening reception for delegates in Dublin’s Mansion House (PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU WILL NEED A TICKET FOR THIS EVENT).


The Mansion House is owned and run by Dublin City Council and is the official residence of Dublin’s first citizen, the Lord Mayor.


The reception event will take place in the Round Room of the Mansion House, a room steeped in history, as it hosted the inaugural meeting of Dáil Éireann ("Assembly of Ireland" / Irish Parliament) on 21st January 1919, pictured above.


The First Dáil was outlawed by the British government but met 21 times. Its main business was establishing the Irish Republic.


Two years later, in 1921, the Anglo-Irish Treaty was ratified in the same location.


Produced by the Fórsa Communications Unit

Designed, compiled and edited by Niall Shanahan

Communications officer, Fórsa

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