10 thoughts on “De Wednesday Papers

  1. Sheik Yahbouti

    Vicky Phelan “will fund cancer position to shame Government” – Lord bless her innocence – they are totally without shame.

  2. john f

    I am not surprised Lowry avoided any custodial sentence that would threaten his seat. If the findings of Moriarty did not take him down nothing will…….. now however if he had not paid his TV licence, it would be a different story.
    What is really sickening is that I can see him getting re-elected in first place at the next election. Good old stroke Ireland.
    On a speculative conspiratorial note, I wonder what information he has that protects him. Legally speaking the man is untouchable, I wonder how many people he could potentially pull down with them if he went.

    1. SOQ

      Money talks. It’s like taking a loan from a bank. If you owe 20 thousand it is your problem but if you owe twenty million, it is theirs.

    2. john

      This Gobpoo was coated with Teflon,while still in the womb.
      It seems the more a Bullplopper you are in Ireland,the more successful you will be.

  3. Giggidygoo

    FG tried the Mairia approach to try stem the surge in support for SF. Now it’s another approach, with another NI person who has an axe to grind. In the reports so far, the concentration hasn’t been on his cleaning up of a police force, rather his history with the provisionals.
    I doubt he is being welcomed with open arms by the rank and file of the Gardai.

  4. johnny

    Haiti is one off Digicel’s most important markets,they have been involved in many things that have generated significant positive publicity.
    One item that the oh so sharp Irish media hasn’t really reported on,despite it being widely know is the ongoing and escalating dispute with National Council of Telecommunications (CONATEL).
    It all kicked off with this report that was leaked.

    “According to the price table of the two giants, it has been proven that Haitian customers are overcharged compared to the majority of their services, SMS, local and international calls. This report was simply published on social media without explanation and comment, as if it was a detail that the public should take lightly.”

    It should be remembered that an organization called Tet Kole P yon Nouvel Ayiti (TKNA) has already organized several Sit-ins in front of the Digicel offices to denounce the negative effects of the antennas of this institution on the Haitian population. The protesters accuse Digicel of switching to billing by the minute without notifying its customers, overcharging each service and invading customers with messages without interest. They also denounce the fact that CONATEL does not exercise its power of control nor does it play its role of referee in the competition.”

    Amazing these similarities between Irelands regulators and those in Haiti !

    Yesterday in a surprise move at the Haiti Tech Summit,Digicel President Maarten Boute urged the ‘public’ get involved on Digicel’s behalf,desperate times indeed !

    “the CEO of Digicel informs that the company needs an affordable 4G LTE license “not at prices that are unrealistic for Haiti. ”

    Haiti,is one of Digicel’s most lucrative and critical markets,public disputes with regulators,constant complaints about poor service do little to assure bondholders or bankers that Digicel has a future.


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