Boycott P&O
by Mehak Dugal

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will address a joint sitting of the Oireachtas this morning via video link. You can watch his address here from 10am onwards. 

The Cabinet has approved the appointment of John Callinan as secretary general of the Department of the Taoiseach and secretary general to the Government. He will be replacing Martin Fraser, who has completed 11 years in the role and will become ambassador to London this summer.

More than one in five workers did not take any annual leave last year, according to new research from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) on work-life balance.


Meanwhile, The Central Bank has revised its forecasts for growth in the economy downwards, due to higher inflation and the impact on the war in Ukraine on the global economy. In its quarterly bulletin, the bank says inflation this year could peak at 8% and will average out at 6.5% for the year as a whole.


NIAC has recommended people aged 65 and older and those who are immunocompromised should receive a second mRNA Covid-19 booster dose.


Fórsa yesterday also welcomed the Cabinet decision to approve the establishment of six HSE regional health areas, which the union says is an essential step towards improved community health services that will ease pressures on acute hospitals. This was picked up by the Journal

In other news, some more Kinder products are being recalled due to a link with an outbreak of Salmonella, after some of the brand's chocolate eggs were recalled at the weekend.


And finally, today’s moment of zen comes in the form of this little video. A young dog stayed loyally beside another dog for more than six hours who was seriously injured after a collision on a highway. (Spoiler: They're both fine now).


Have a good day.

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