Thank you

Dear member,


This week we stood side by side in hail rain and snow, protesting our opposition to the ongoing recruitment freeze in the HSE.


I want to thank each and every one for you for your ongoing unwavering support and solidarity with our campaign of industrial action. Your support has been instrumental and we are profoundly grateful for your dedication.


Whether you attended a protest, shared our message on social media, or actively participated in spreading awareness, your contributions have played a crucial role in amplifying our message, that the health services need to be fully staffed, not understaffed.


The decision of the HSE to implement a recruitment freeze is unjust, our members are not responsible for the HSE overspending. The HSE must commence recruitment of vital positions now – before services are irreversibly impacted.


As we continue with our campaign of industrial action, your solidarity serves as a reminder that positive change is achievable through the power of the collective. Thank you for standing with us.


To illustrate the impact of your action you can check out some of the media coverage we received this week. 


You can also see your fellow members at protests across the country here, here and here. 


The instruction regarding the industrial action remains in place. I want to thank you for your ongoing commitment and solidarity. We know this action is having an impact and that is thanks to your efforts.


Yours in solidarity,


Ashley Connolly

Head of Health & Welfare


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