Town is Lit
by Niall Shanahan
"Son, if you can't say something nice, say something clever but devastating" @NewYorker cartoons
"Son, if you can't say something nice, say something clever but devastating" @NewYorker cartoons

On Saturday Fórsa published a special bulletin about its advice to branches and officials to make contact with employers to ensure workers are protected, following Friday’s welcome announcement of a substantial easing of Covid-19 restrictions. That bulletin is available here.


Subsequent to the publication of that bulletin, the Irish Times picked up the story, and there's substantial national and regional media coverage this morning of Fórsa's advice on the return to the workplace, including the Mirror, Examiner and RTE, and this morning's radio broadcasts included contributions from Kevin Callinan (Morning Ireland from 08:52am) and Bernard Harbor (Newstalk Breakfast just after 7am), and I'll add those audio links here later as they become available online.


As we head into a new week, another work stoppage is expected at our fishing ports as Fórsa members at the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) engage in a 48-hour action from midnight tomorrow. Ian McDonnell will speak live on Highland Radio this morning after 9am, and he spoke to Fergal Keane about the dispute on RTE's Seascapes on Friday night, you can listen back here (from 15:36).


Elsewhere, none other than Limerick's own Blindboy Boatclub brought my attention to this story, by Jack Power in the Irish Times, about a large US government contractor making moves to expand to Ireland with its sights set on a bid for local employment services. As you'll know, the tendering process for LES and job clubs has been the subject of a campaign by Fórsa and SIPTU since late last summer.




Your Zen this morning is inspired by the almost post-war euphoria in Dublin City Centre on Saturday evening. The kids were dressed up to-the-nines, punters were smiling, laughing and chatting away with an air of relief and joy and, frankly, it was lovely to see it up close.I was in a Parnell St basement listening to a lively combo making a triumphant return to the stage. Talented bunch they were too.


Reflecting on it all this morning I was trying to think about how you might soundtrack the atmosphere in town. Diana Ross got a hold of me and hasn't let go.


Have a great week.





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