Feeling the heat
by Diarmaid Mac a Bhaird

RTÉ reports a new clampdown on social welfare fraud will include increased inspections and penalties for employers who falsely claim that workers are self-employed. The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has said that "bogus self-employment" costs the exchequer up to a quarter of a billion euro a year in lost PRSI contributions.


ICTU is to consider the application by PDforra, the representative organisation for enlisted personnel in the Defence Forces, to affiliate at a meeting tomorrow (Wednesday).


The Irish Times reports the Department of Social Protection will on Tuesday afternoon publish the full investigation by the Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon into the Public Services Card, which found that several aspects of the card were unlawful.


The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT), which represents school principals in Northern Ireland, has begun a ballot of its members on industrial action. The union indicated it would go ahead with the ballot unless concerns about workload, school support and the inspection process were addressed, with four other teaching unions in NI currently involved in an ongoing dispute with employing bodies over pay and other matters.


The General Court of the European Union is set to begin two days of hearings in separate appeals being brought by Apple and Ireland, over the European Commission's €13bn tax ruling against Apple in 2016. The European Commission's landmark ruling found Ireland had given undue tax benefits worth €13bn to Apple through two tax rulings in 1991 and 2007, which in effect substantially and artificially lowered the tax paid by the company in Ireland since 1991.


Finally, today's zen comes from the Cars, following news of lead singer Ric Ocasek passing yesterday.


Have a good folks.


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