Support pension justice for CE Supervisors

Community Employment supervisors are campaigning to make sure the Government puts in place a fair pension for Community Employment Supervisors and we need you to take action. 


Our message is loud and clear to all Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party coalition partners.

For too long, the community sector has been the poor relation of the public sector. The community sector has stepped in where the state has not provided necessary social and health services. This is outrageous after a lifetime of service in our communities. We all deserve a secure retirement.

It is time for the Government to respect the Labour Court. We have been waiting for over 12 years - we will wait no more. 

Email your local TD now and let them know this unfinished business needs to be resolved in Budget 2021.

Together, we are stronger. 

#UnfinishedBusiness Campaign Team


Email your local TD HERE. 


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