You've raised €100k for Ukraine
But let's keep going!

In less than a week, Fórsa members and branches have raised over €100,000 in humanitarian aid for displaced Ukrainians. Thank you so very much for your incredible generosity and solidarity!


But the Fórsa Ukraine appeal remains open and you can DONATE HERE.


Each time we set a fundraising target over the last few days, you went above and beyond. After an amazing response over the weekend, we doubled our target from €50,000 to €100,000 yesterday morning. And you achieved it in less than a day!


Your inspiring response means we're keeping the appeal open beyond the planned closing date of Friday. We're going to keep the door open to new donations until 16th March.


So, if you haven’t had a chance to participate, you can still join over 825 Fórsa members and supporters by DONATING HERE. 


Yesterday, Fórsa’s elected officers agreed that the proceeds of the appeal should be shared equally between the Irish Red Cross and the special trade union Solidarity Fund jointly established by the International Trade Union Confederation and the European Trade Union Confederation. Each of these appeals are supporting humanitarian distribution on the ground right now.


We’ve seen so many heart-breaking and inspiring images from the innocent children, women and men caught up in this needless war. Let’s keep showing them our practical solidarity and support.


And thank you so much!


YOU can make a difference: Donate HERE


If you prefer to make an offline donation, you can contact



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