Hybrid Hub
by Mark Corcoran
Ireland has become a centre for so-called hybrid working since the pandemic
Ireland has become a centre for so-called hybrid working since the pandemic

The Government is being urged to use October's Budget to tackle energy poverty and break Ireland's dependence on fossil fuels for home heating. A cross-section of social, environmental and voluntary organisations issued the call ahead of the National Economic Dialogue, which takes place in Dublin Castle today.


Aer Lingus has warned its staff to “beware of persons impersonating Aer Lingus” seeking personal details from them following last week’s cyber breach. Aer Lingus was one of a number of global companies to be hit by last week’s attack and it was reported that personal details of 5,000 of its staff – as well as a lesser number of former employees – had been compromised.


Almost 1,400 people seeking international protection in Ireland experienced homelessness for up to 10 weeks since the start of the year due to a shortage of available State accommodation, a new report has found. Four unaccompanied childen were also forced to sleep rough.


Ireland has become a centre for so-called hybrid working since the pandemic with one of the highest shares of jobs that can be done at least partially from outside the workplace, according to new data from LinkedIn.


Ukraine has announced that its forces have retaken three villages in the eastern region of Donetsk, the first reported gains of their new offensive.


Construction firms have warned that the laws around government contracts risk making the industry “uninsurable”, and threaten their ability to deliver housing and transport projects key to the state’s €165 billion National Development Plan (NDP).



An Irish native, now living in Australia has become a viral sensation on TikTok and Instagram singing in his tractor. Shane, also known as 'The Digger Dad', is originally from Co. Offaly and now lives in Brisbane, Australia with his wife and their three year old son. The Irish Independednt did a piece up on him HERE. 




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