Great weather for (white) swans
by Niall Shanahan

It's been a rough few of months for the graduating class of 2020, and today's leaving cert results show that this year's grades are the highest on record. Expect some chat about grade inflation, while the higher grades and greater demand for college places is most likely to cause a significant hike in CAO points for third level places, which will devalue the results of college applicants whose results were based on exams they sat in previous years.


At the other end of the education system, the Irish Times reports staff turnover in full-time childcare operators is running at more than 40 per cent, with the Department of Children blaming pay and conditions for an “unsustainably high” level of personnel change in the sector.


In the Business Post yesterday Michael Brennan flagged the imminence of public sector pay talks, leading with news about pensions for higher paid public servants. The same paper looked at the parlous state of the finances of the DAA, while Colin Murphy reflected on remote working, with Fórsa mentioned in passing.


Further to that DAA story, Barry O'Halloran issues a stark warning about the future of Irish aviation: "Aviation arguably helped pull us out of the last recession, but it may not be around to do the same with the next."


The Farmer's Journal picked up Fórsa's warning about the timber industry while KCLR reports some local reaction. Elsewhere, SIPTU steps up its efforts to secure sick-pay, pay rises and pensions for 6,000 workers in the meat industry.Finally, boorish, bonkers and bad mannered Boris threatens to throw all his toys out of the pram.


Your moment of Zen this morning tips the hat to the late great Marc Bolan: The perfect pop star. Check out Nick Cave's rendition of Cosmic Dancer from the new tribute album Angelheaded Hipster.


Have a great week.




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