Fórsa101: Training for new members

Dear member,


Welcome to Fórsa, we are delighted that you have recently joined us. We are contacting you today to introduce you to the Fórsa Skills Academy, which provides development training for all our activists and representatives. 
As a new member, you are welcome to attend the first in our series of learning events which is an information session entitled Fórsa101.  This is a short two-hour online session that provides you with an introduction to the union, what we do, how we do it and the invaluable role members play in the union.


These sessions take place on the second Wednesday of every month, in the morning and again in the evening. 


The next Fórsa101 sessions will take place on: 10th January 2024, and 14th February 2024.

Trainings are advertised by branches and through the Fórsa ebulletins which issue fortnightly across all divisions. If you have any particular questions regarding membership training, please feel free to contact us by email at skillsacademy@forsa.ie. 


We look forward to welcoming you to a Fórsa training soon. 

Fiona Dunne
Director of Membership Training and Development

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