Hair today...
by Bernard Harbor

All the papers major on the tragic death of Garda Colm Horkan this morning, while former US ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith and singer Vera Lynn also attract tributes.


Elsewhere, Fórsa and other unions outlined ideas to avoid trimming the Irish Aviation Authority workforce yesterday. That's covered in the Indo too.


There's plenty on the Green Party's marathon heart-searching session, with most outlets concluding that they're heading towards government at a clip.


Staying with the political fringe, Jeremy Corbyn's Labour was characterised by "dysfunctionality, toxicity and drift," according to a review of its recent disastrous election campaign


On Covid, Bord Fáilte has guidelines for re-opening restaurants, but expect an extension of rules governing people arriving in Ireland.  


Finally, I only found out yesterday that The Strangler's* ivory-tinkler Dave Greenfield was felled by the coronavirus last month. Sad Zen then, but here's one of the band's lesser-known classics.


Here's hoping your weekend is shear delight.




* For younger readers, this was a genuinely menacing1970s punk band that knew how to play musical instruments.

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