Ah go on
by Róisín McKane

The AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine is to be restricted for use for people over 60 years of age. Some 15,000 vaccination appointments due to take place today will need to be rescheduled  Meanwhile, deliveries of the one-shot Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine started yesterday to member states, the European Commission has said, in a boost to the continent’s vaccination efforts.


Our own Shane Lambert joined Clem Ryan at Kfm to discuss the sought changes to the minimum qualifications required for special needs assistants. Listen back to that HERE


As all classes returned to school yesterday the lack of confidence in the vaccine plan for education staff rolls on. 


Government is reminding employers and employees to continue to work from home whenever possible, following the warning of new Covid-19 outbreaks if workers return to the office too soon.


The Indo reports that turf cutting can continue on three Bord na Móna bogs where long-term leasing arrangements are in place, following agreement between NPWS and the company.


A programme of work experience and internships should be set up for Travellers in the public sector, including government departments, local authorities and state agencies, according to a new report on helping Travellers get into the labour market.


The Public Accounts Committee wants DPER to start publishing statements of Ireland's net worth, along with State assets and liabilities, in line with international budgetary standards.


RTÉ reports on the troubles of the CIÉ Group pension scheme.


The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have had a significant impact on Parc Aviation, according to the Dublin based aviation services company. The company supplies air crew and other specialist air industry personnel to aviation industry clients across the world.


SIPTU are seeking a ban on agencies providing workers to the meat industry so as to ensure direct employment. Read more on that here. 


And finally, The Times has this piece on the child assessment crisis. 


Having watched One Night in Miami over the weekend I spiraled down a Sam Cook shaped rabbit hole. This beauty has been stuck in my head ever since and makes for an easy zen to start your morning. 


Have a good day folks. 



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