by Róisín McKane

The Indo reports on Kevin Callinan's call for a review of Building Momentum in the wake of sustained high inflation and strong public finances.


Teachers speaking at the INTO conference this week have echoed Kevin's calls, and warned that the 'serious erosion of our standard of living' is threatening industrial harmony. They have also warned that the housing crisis will trigger a new exodus of young teachers.


Meanwhile, Government has acknowledged the impact of rising inflation on salaries and plans to respond to calls for pay rises from public sector unions shortly.


Also in education, The Examiner reports that 1,400 assistant principal posts in primary and special schools are to be restored.


Children’s Minister Roderic O’Gorman is bringing a memo to Cabinet this week outlining the new workers’ rights which will give employees more options if they have caring responsibilities.


Healthcare workers have been subjected to over 5,500 assaults — more than 12 a day — in the last 15 months, according to HSE figures.


Germany’s employers and unions have joined together in opposing an immediate European Union ban on natural gas imports from Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, saying such a move would lead to factory shutdowns and the loss of jobs in the bloc’s largest economy. Read more on that here.


The Times reports on a survey which says that most secondary teachers believe extra supports are needed next year to help students who are lagging behind due to Covid-related disruption to teaching and learning.


And finally, the Garda will be able to capture large quantities of mobile phone data in public places and across large areas under new investigation methods being introduced in the wake of a European Court ruling in favour of convicted murderer Graham Dwyer. Read more on that here.



Blondie brings us zen this morning. The iconic 'Call me' is 42 years old this week. 


Have a good day folks. 




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